
Our Tiger Nut Powder is a processed form of milled and dried Tigernut , made under hygienic conditions and is FDA certified. It does not contain chaff and it is not gritty. It is smooth, delicious and it’s ideal for baking cakes.

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Tigernut powder or flour has a unique sweet taste and does not lose any of its nutritious properties in the milling process. It’s a good alternative to wheat flour, gluten-free and considered a good flour or additive for the bakery industry.

Made from our organic naked tiger nuts, which have been milled to a super fine powder, it tastes smooth and delicious. It can be used in so many ways and is absolutely perfect for adding to porridges and juices for a smoother prebiotic boost.

Nutritional Content

One ounce, or about 50 chickpea-size pieces of plain, raw tiger nuts, contains 120 calories, 10g of fibre (about 40% of your daily value), 9g of naturally occurring sugars, tons of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and iron, and 7g of fat, most of which is oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that research shows can help reduce appetite and promote weight loss. For some context, a serving of almonds—about 23 nuts—has 163 calories and about a third of the filling fibre of tiger nuts.


Tiger Nuts Benefits 

Rich In Fibre

Tiger Nuts are packed with high fibre content – around 33%, which is indeed a considerable amount. In a study conducted in 2009 by the University of Miguel Hernandez, Orihuela, Spain, it was found out that 100g tiger nut flour contains around 60 g dietary fibre, especially the insoluble dietary fibre which is much higher than other popular fibre sources such as rice bran, oats, apple, cabbage, carrots, pears, Chia seeds and jack beans.

A Healthy Substitute For Lactose Intolerance

Milk derived from Tiger nut is a healthy option for those who cannot drink cow’s milk due to lactose intolerance. Tiger nut milk is free from lactose, and hence anyone can drink this milk, which is rich in calcium and supports bone building and growth in young children. This milk contains the highest nutrition and fat content among all the other non-milk substitutes.

Rich In Vitamins E And C

Recent studies suggest that tiger nuts are loaded with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C and E and potassium and phosphorus. Yoghurt made by mixing cow’s milk with tiger nut milk has been found to be exceptionally high in these vitamins and other nutrients.

Good Source Of Magnesium

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, magnesium is highly vital for the normal functioning of the body, as it is required to carry out more than 300 biochemical reactions in the human body. Recent studies have revealed that 100 g flour of tiger nuts contains between 13 to 17 percent of magnesium, which helps to promote normal nerve and muscle function, regulates sugar, maintains blood pressure levels to normalcy, and strengthen bones, process protein and keep you healthy.

Plentiful Arginine

Tiger nuts are also loaded with plentiful of amino acids of various types, especially Arginine. The Mayo Foundation suggests arginine as the nitric oxide precursor, which maintains the width of blood vessels to ensure normal blood flow. Arginine is helpful in providing solutions in conditions caused due to restricted blood vessels, including clogged arteries, chest pain, erectile dysfunction, heart disease or failure, artery diseases, muscle cramps, and headaches.

Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease

The Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Health Institute has stated that vitamin E acts as a catchall reference for different fat-soluble compounds that are rich in antioxidant qualities. Since tiger nuts are rich in vitamin E, all these qualities are present in tiger nut milk and tiger nut flour.

Potassium Booster

Tiger nuts are rich in potassium, which is one of the few essential minerals that contribute to the proper functioning of the cell and body organs, especially the heart. Potassium is essential to maintain proper regulation of muscle contraction, digestive functions and to control the blood pressure levels

Rich Non-Meat Protein Source

Protein plays an important role in building bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood, and hence is one of the major nutrients of the body. Tiger nuts are one of the richest sources of non-meat protein that supplies plentiful of energy essential for carrying out heavy work all through the day,

Controls Diabetes

The high insoluble dietary fibre present in tiger nut flour regulates blood sugar levels and helps the diabetic patients remain healthy.


Tiger nut doesn’t contain omega-6 fatty acids, whose high ratio with omega-3 fatty acids in other nuts might lead to inflammatory conditions. Tiger nut milk is thus better and safer to consume than other nut-based milk and offers similar levels of essential nutrients.


Tiger nuts have many nutritional and health benefits, which make them an amazing food for anyone. Traditionally, tiger nuts were used to treat stomach upsets, irritable bowels, and other digestive issues. They have been used in folk medicine as a remedy for many ailments, including flatulence and diarrhea.

Tiger nuts, one of the hottest superfoods on the market, are not, in fact, nuts. These wrinkled, marble-sized orbs are small, tuberous rhizomes of a sedge grass (cyperus esculentus lativum) that’s been cultivated for millennia around the world.

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